Unity Game Programmer

Zackary Cowled is a Unity Game Programmer who specializes in Editor Tool Development and Gameplay Programming.


Zackary began using Unity at a young age and now has over a decade of experience using Unity to create interactive games.

Editor Tools

Zackary specializes in creating Unity Editor Tools to increase developer productivity and visualize problems in games.

Gameplay Programming

Zackary writes efficient and maintainable code in all areas of Gameplay programming and strives to creating the best user experience possible.

Unity Blueprints

Unity Blueprints is a plugin designed for Unity 2017. The plugin gives developers the ability to create custom blueprints that behave similar to Unity scripts during runtime.

Visual Scripting

Unity Blueprints allows developers to create interactive content through a node based visual scripting system.

Blueprint Inspectors

Unity Blueprints unlike other visual scripting systems exposes variables in the inspector. This allows developers to reuse blueprints increasing productivity.

Blueprint Functions

Unity Blueprints allows developers to call blueprints from inside a blueprint following the rules of encapsulation ultimately improving readability.

Let's Work Together!

Is your studio using Unity to create interactive applications? Tell me about what you're working on, let's start developing today!